
Defenders USA Signature Target #1 (B&W) – 25 Count

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Product Details

Defenders USA Signature Target #1 can be used in black and white, or in full color, with the color version allowing for even more cognitive loads in training and with more target recognition / selection drills and skill builders.

Full target paper is 23″ x 35″.

There is a standard B8 in the upper right corner, allowing for many uses and drills. The Defenders USA logo in the middle of that B8 instead of the standard “X” is just for fun and branding purposes.

The D-USA logo on the left is the size of the 9 ring of a standard B8.

There are 1″ triangles and squares for precision and zero’ing purposes.

The upper thoracic target is the same size as the 8 ring of a standard B8 (8 inches).

The ocular cavity target is a design unique to Defenders USA.

There are six differing 2″ shaped targets that are numbered and the color version of this target allows for multiple differing drills, target recognizing work, and more.

There are six 9mm dots, which allows for practice in both extreme precision and in sight / optic offset training…and bragging rights when you shoot more precisely than everyone else.

The four circles with the D-USA letters at the bottom allow for throttle control training, using differing accuracies (acceptable, careful, precise, extremely precise), and much more. Those rings are the same size as the four rings of a standard B8 (8 ring, 9 ring, 10 ring, and the X ring).

Visit Defenders USA‘s and Defenders LIVE‘s websites to learn more about Defenders USA and join the fantastic Defenders LIVE podcast!

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